Metamask® Extension®

Join millions in the decentralized revolution with MetaMask Extension. Access Ethereum DApps, manage your crypto portfolio, and stay in control of your digital identity online.

Is it possible to create multiple wallets within the same MetaMask extension?

Yes, it is possible to create and manage multiple wallets within the same MetaMask extension. This feature allows you to segregate different assets or use cases, such as separating personal funds from business funds or organizing funds for different projects. Here's how you can create multiple wallets within MetaMask:

  1. Open MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask extension icon in your browser toolbar to open the MetaMask wallet interface.

  2. Access Settings: In the MetaMask wallet interface, look for the menu icon (usually represented by three horizontal lines) typically located in the top right corner. Click on it to open the settings menu.

  3. Select "Create Account" or "Add Account": In the settings menu, you should see an option to create a new account or add an account. The wording may vary slightly depending on the version of MetaMask you're using. Click on this option.

  4. Follow the Prompts: MetaMask will then guide you through the process of creating a new account. You'll likely be prompted to set a name for the account. This name is for your reference and helps you distinguish between different accounts within MetaMask.

  5. Backup Seed Phrase (Optional): As with any new wallet creation in MetaMask, you'll be provided with a seed phrase (mnemonic). It's crucial to back up this seed phrase securely. You'll need it to restore access to your wallet if you ever lose your password or need to recover your wallet.

  6. Switch Between Wallets: Once you've created multiple wallets, you can easily switch between them within the MetaMask interface. Simply click on the account icon, usually represented by your account avatar or initials, and select the account you want to switch to from the dropdown menu.

  7. Manage Accounts: You can manage your accounts by renaming them, exporting their private keys, or deleting them if necessary. These options are typically available within the account settings or account management section of MetaMask.

By following these steps, you can create and manage multiple wallets within the same MetaMask extension, allowing you to organize your cryptocurrency holdings and transactions more efficiently.

Last updated